Before the Service
- Put on your vestments.
- Make sure you have your mic and that it’s turned on.
- Put the Gospel reading into the Gospel book. Hope generally emails this to the deacon during the week, but if you don’t have it, take a copy of the reading from one of the worship folders.
- During the processional, carry the Gospel book high above your head.
- When you get to the cross at the front, step a foot or so to the right so that the priests behind you can bow to the cross.
- After the priests have gone by you on their way to their seats and the CM carrying the cross walks away, place the Gospel book on the stand on the altar. Bow to the Gospel book in tandem with the CM who is bowing to the cross. Go to your seat.
Reading the Gospel
- At the end of the first round of the Alleluia or beginning of the second round, go to the Gospel book, bow, lift it above your head, and walk to the center of the main aisle.
- After the music stops, say, “The holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ according to ____”
- Read the Gospel
- Say, “The Gospel of the Lord”.
- When the singing begins, turn and walk back to the altar. Place the Gospel book on the stand. Bow to the Gospel book. Sit down in one of the front right pews.
After the Sermon
- Return to your seat on the platform
Lead the Confession
- At the appropriate time, invite the congregation to a time of confession: "And now let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor."
- After a period of silence, begin the corporate confession by saying, “We pray together…”
During the Peace
- Remove the Gospel book and stand from the altar and place it on the front pew.
Setting the Altar during the Offertory
- Approach the credence table to begin setting the altar as the Offertory begins.
- The communion ministers should follow you up to the platform.
Items on the Credence Table to be Brought to the Altar
- Paten, Chalice #1, Pall, and Corporal (stacked together)
- Chalice #2
- Flagon of Wine
- Wine Cruet
- Holy Water Cruet
- Tray with Non-Alcoholic Wine (2)
- Bread Basket (2), with Gluten-Free Wafers in gold case (2) (Put these together before the service)
- Purificators (2)
How to Set the Altar
- If there is an acolyte, hand the acolyte the Bread Baskets (with the Gluten-Free Wafer containers).
- Pick up the following and bring them to the altar:
- Paten, Chalice #1, Pall, and Corporal
- Both Purificators
- The CMs will be bringing you the other items, but you can begin setting up with what you have and continue as they bring things to you
- Put the Purificators to the side
- Spread out the Corporal in the center of the altar—smooth it out.
- Set the Pall to the side (you won’t be using it).
- Place the Paten in the center of the corporal and Chalice #1 directly above it.
- Set the Bread Baskets to the top/right of the Corporal—slightly touching the Corporal
- Set the Non-Alcoholic Wine Trays to the top/left of the Corporal—slightly touching the Corporal
- Set the Flagon to the right of the Corporal
- Set Chalice #2 to the right of the Corporal
- Pour the wine from the Wine Cruet into Chalice #1 and set the Cruet aside.
- Pour half of the water from the Holy Water Cruet into Chalice #1 and the other half into the Flagon and set the Cruet aside.
- Open the Bread Baskets and place one large piece of bread on the Paten.
- Step back and invite the celebrant(s) to join you at the table.
During the singing of the Doxology
- The offering will be brought to the altar.
- Receive the offering baskets from the usher and hand them the celebrant for a blessing.
- The celebrant will hand the baskets to a CM on their left.
After the communion liturgy and you have been served the cup by the celebrant
- Follow behind the celebrant with the chalice as he serves the bread to the musicians and altar party.
- (Note that the acolyte and any other children on the platform will likely take the cup from the tray)
After everyone on the platform has been served bread and cup
- Step back up to the altar and pour the wine from the flagon into the 2nd chalice, filling it about half way.
- Refill the cup that was used to serve the musicians and altar party with a little of the remaining wine from the flagon.
- Hand the flagon with the remaining wine to the acolyte.
- Pass out the bread and wine to the altar party: hand the bread to the priests, hand a tray to the each of the CMs on your far left and far right, hand the 2nd chalice (along with a purificator) to the other CM.
- Follow the priests down the platform to serve communion to the congregation. Stand on the right side, between the acolyte and the tray.
- Half way through the communion line, request that the acolyte refill your chalice. He/she will then go to the other side and refill the CM’s chalice.
- After everyone has been served, follow the priests up the platform and return your chalice to the credence table.
- Remove remaining items on the altar and place on credence table.
NOTE: A priest may request that some left over bread be set aside as reserved sacrament. If so, please take some of the bread before the CMs consume it.
After the Final Blessing
- Go down to the front pew for announcements.
The Recessional/Dismissal
- Follow the acolyte and CMs out of the sanctuary.
- Stand in the doorway, facing the congregation.
- Give the Dismissal after the congregation finishes singing.