Preludes for Savior, by Erin Hollaar Pacheco

To download the songs, click “download” next to each song below. To listen to the entire album online, click here.

1. Be Still and Know (Traditional; Unknown)
for the children and all who listen and wonder

2. This is My Father's World (Maltbie Davenport Babcock, 1901)

3. Praise to the Lord the Almighty (German, Lobe Denn Herren, ca.1668)

4. Phos Hilaron (Erin Hollaar Pacheco, 2013)

5. Come and Fill Our Hearts (Jacques Berthier, 1982)

6. What a Friend We Have in Jesus (Charles Crozat Converse, 1868)

7. What Wondrous Love is This (American Folk tune, early 1800’s) / O the Deep, Deep Love of Jesus (Welsh melody, 1875)
for Doug and Marilyn

8. Amazing Grace (New Britain, 1779)

9. Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus (Helen Lemmel, 1922) / Blessed Assurance (Phoebe Knapp, 1873)
for Bill and Linda

10. The Lord is My Light (Jacques Berthier, 1982)

11. Be Thou My Vision (Irish/Slane, 1909)

12.   This Little Light of Mine (Harry Dixon Loes, 1920)
for the children and all who dance with joy

13.   Prayer without Words (Erin Hollaar Pacheco, 2019)

Parenthetical information refers to the source of the tunes, not the text
Recorded and Produced by Addie Gannon
Cover photography by Kristen Page