A sermon for the Twentieth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, God Has Feelings Too.
Text: Luke10:1, 16-24
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, October 5th for this week.
A sermon for the Twentieth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, God Has Feelings Too.
Text: Luke10:1, 16-24
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, October 5th for this week.
A sermon for the Nineteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, God Has Feelings Too.
Text: Mark 9:38-50
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, September 28th for this week.
A sermon for the Eighteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, God Has Feelings Too.
Text: Mark 3:1-6
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, September 21st for this week.
A sermon for the Seventeenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, God Has Feelings Too.
Text: Matthew 9:35–10:8.
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, September 14th for this week.
A sermon for the Sixteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Hard Sayings of Jesus.
Text: Mark 7:24-37
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, September 7th for this week.
A sermon for the Fifteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Hard Sayings of Jesus.
Text: Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, August 31st along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Fourteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Hard Sayings of Jesus.
Text: John 6:56-69
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, August 24th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Thirteenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Hard Sayings of Jesus.
Text: John 6:51-58
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, August 17th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Twelfth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: John 6:35, 41-51
Access Order of Service here and the coloring sheet for Saturday, August 10th for this week.
A sermon for the Eleventh Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: John 6:24-35
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, August 3rd along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Tenth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: John 6:1-21
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, July 27th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Ninth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, July 20th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Eighth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 6:14-29
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, July 13th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Seventh Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 6:1-13
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, July 6th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Sixth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 5:21-43
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, June 29th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Fifth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 4:35-41
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, June 22nd.
A sermon for the Fourth Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Summer School with Jesus as Teacher.
Text: Mark 4:26-34
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, June 15th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Third Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, A Bible Book in 1 Sermon.
Text: 2 Peter 1:3-9; 2:1-3, 18-20; 3:3-7, 11-13
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, June 8th along with our coloring sheet for this week.
A sermon for the Second Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, A Bible Book in 1 Sermon.
Text: Habakkuk (selections, NLT)
Access Order of Worship here for Saturday, June 1st along with our coloring sheet for this week.
The Entire Book of Habakkuk in a Text Thread (and it rhymes!)
A sermon for The Trinity, the First Week after Pentecost, during Savior’s Sermon Series, Turning Points.
Text: John 3:1-17
Access Order of Service here for Saturday, May 25th along with our coloring sheet for this week.