Meet Our New Pastor of Adult Formation

I’m delighted that because of your generous giving, we are able to add a dedicated pastor of adult formation. Starting May 1, Sandy Richter—who has served so ably in Savior’s children’s ministry for 3 years—will be giving 10 hours per week as Pastor of Adult Formation. Sandy will be helping all of us adults at Savior in (a) forming community, (b) understanding and practicing our faith, and (c) because weekly worship is the most formative thing we do, guiding the leaders of our worship-service teams. Sandy lives in Oak Park, with husband, Ian, and their children, Kiah, Elle, and Ezra. She is finishing an MA in theology. Sandy says, “My passion is helping walk alongside people as they work out their faith in their everyday life.” If you want to connect with Sandy:

--Fr. Kevin