How to Pray for Church of the Savior Right Now

At our All-Church Prayer Gathering last Wednesday, we prayed for specific needs of Church of the Savior using the guide below. Whether you were there at the gathering or not, this list may be helpful as you prayer for our community.

Loving God:

  • For divine favor on our Apostles’ Creed sermon series and for blessing on our Advent and Christmas Eve worship

  • Thanks to God for the many new children and youth! (On average, 10 more each week than last year at this time). Favor on our Staff and adults who lead them in worship and care for them.

  • Wisdom for the Vestry as they consider the best ways to accommodate our growing attendance; and as they draft the 2019 Savior budget

Loving Others:

  • Daily grace for our sick and suffering; take a moment to name those who come to mind

  • “Show us the people and places you would have us serve” and give wisdom to Christine & Luke Wulbecker as they lead us in local compassion ministries

  • For those struggling in their faith, that God would draw them close and speak to their hearts

Loving Life:

  • Thanks to God for the unity we enjoy and that we would continue in that blessing

  • Blessings on the Gingerbread Nativities on December 8