Prayer Support For The Saavedra Family

This week we lift up the dear Saavedra Family in our prayers. The Saavedra’s first came to Church of the Savior in Fall 2019, while on furlough from the mission field in Quito, Ecuador.

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The Saavedra family has lived as missionaries in Quito, Ecuador since 2007, with David working in education and Beth in the local church. We are grateful our furlough in the U.S. connected us to Savior, where we have found encouragement and rest. We invite the friends of the Savior to join us in prayer for Ecuador, which has been hard hit by Covid-19. 

Infections and fatalities are especially high among indigenous people groups, many of whom live in remote areas with limited access to medical care. Please pray with us for our friend, Pastor Manuel Chacaguasay, and his family, who work with Kichwa pastors, as well as running a holistic children’s drop-in center.

Another vulnerable population in Ecuador is Venezuelan refugees, many of whom have had no way to earn income during these months of quarantine. Our church in Quito has a large number of Venezuelans. We ask for prayer for Oscar and Camila Palma, our pastors, as they work in food distribution and providing social and spiritual support for the community.    

Finally, we ask for prayer for our school, Alliance Academy International, where David is currently teaching high school Bible. May community be built and spiritual growth happen, in the midst of the challenge of adapting to the required online format for all schools in Quito. 

For those who want to learn more about the Saavedra Family or to support their ministry, please visit here.