Spotlight on Adam Beyer

Today, meet Adam Beyer, who leads Men’s Formation at Savior. Adam and his wife Elizabeth have been attending Savior for a few years; you’ll often see their children dancing at the end of the service.


What is your role at Church of the Savior?

I oversee Men’s Formation. This is a developing ministry within Adult Formation at Savior.

Where do you live now, and where are you from?

I’m from Westfield, IN, a town just north of Indianapolis. I moved to this area in 2002 for grad school and unexpectedly put down roots here. I now live in Warrenville, IL with my wife Elizabeth, daughter Addie (4), son Isaiah (2), and our seven chickens.

What do you do when you’re not at church?

I’m primarily a stay-at-home father, but I also work-part time as an Occupational Therapist at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital. In this season of life, caring for two toddlers requires much. When I do have the space and time, I enjoy gardening, outdoor work, home projects, reading, exercising, hiking, films, fostering community in our neighborhood, and connecting with family and friends.

What's a piece of interesting trivia about you?

I’m an organizer—I love to bring order out of chaos. I especially enjoy ordering things to facilitate function. Family and friends like to give me a hard time about this trait.

How does the ministry you lead serve the life of our congregation?

We hope to augment Adult Formation by facilitating opportunities for men to deepen relationship with other men and to deepen relationship with Jesus.

How can people get involved in the ministry you lead?

Contact me! I’d be happy to sit down for an in-person conversation to listen to you and to explore ways that you might connect in Men's Formation.