Spotlight on Deb Nickerson


Deb Nickerson wears many hats at Savior: she is currently the senior warden on the vestry; she coordinates Prayers of the People, church safety, and the nursery schedule; she serves on the worship team and altar cleanup crew; and — if that weren't enough! — she also leads a small group and preaches occasionally. Today, we have the chance to learn a little more about Deb:

Where are you from, and where do you live now?

I grew up in Maine, so I love lobsters, salty air and sailboats. I still have extended family in Maine, but my father lives in Florida with his wife, and my brother lives in NC with his wife and kids.

I’ve lived in Illinois with only slight interruption since 1987. I currently live in Wheaton with a grumpy old man cat, Moses. He is 13 years old.

I have been blessed to have my cousin, Erika, move to town in the past year, with her husband Andy and their two kids, Thad (5) and Amelia (3). I enjoy playing auntie to Thad and Amelia whenever I can!

What do you do when you’re not at church?

I am a psychologist with a small private practice, Nickerson & Associates, PC, just down the road from the church. We specialize in breaking the cycle of sexual violence, working with people who have sexual behavior problems, as well as survivors of trauma.

I love to work out and have coffee with my friends at the Wheaton Sport Center. I enjoy wine and food! In the summer, I grow herbs and flowers. I also enjoy traveling to spend time with family and friends. Last year I traveled to Paris to visit Dr. Alan Savage, and a few years before that I traveled to Spain to visit my friend who is in ministry outside of Madrid. This summer, I traveled to an exotic location — Red Wing, Minnesota where I saw the largest boot in the world!

Favorite quote:

“Be kind, for everyone you meet is facing a great battle.” Philo of Alexandria

How can people get involved in the ministries you lead?

In terms of nursery, it is vital to provide a safe place for our smallest Friends of the Savior at our church. Since I work in my practice with so many who were not kept safe as children, this ministry has a special place in my heart. So, I coordinate the schedule for our nursery workers and have responsibilities to maintain safety practices for childcare at Savior. We are always searching for additional folks to help with childcare. 

The Prayers of the People are an opportunity to lead our parish in praying for our church and our world. It is my job to gather the concerns, requests, and needs of our people and compile them into a prayer for each Saturday service. If anyone is interested in leading the prayers, I would welcome more participation.

Our Women’s prayer group has met for about 10 years, one Sunday morning a month. We have about a dozen women who join in my living room to study Christian writings and scripture, and to support each other in prayer. Every fall, we retreat together to enhance our spiritual lives and deepen our friendship connection. This group is open to more members who are interested. 

If anyone is interested in any of these ministries, please contact me at