Pastor of Music and Worship

Welcome John Rakes, Pastor of Music & Worship

Savior has hired John Rakes as our new Pastor of Music and Worship, beginning May 16th. Get to know John a little better in the interview below!


What  is  your role at  Church of the Savior?
As the Pastor of Music and Worship my principal role is leading the congregation in musical worship during weekly services.  Music is such a powerful vehicle for connecting to God.  It is my prayer that my leading of the congregation will assist all in meeting God through whole-hearted worship.  I also lead and organize the worship ensemble, offer up instrumental service music, and build up the musical gifts of our congregation.

Where do  you  live?  Where are you from?
For the past 15 years I have lived in the beautiful town of Warrenville.  I grew up in Portsmouth, Virginia and was transplanted to the mid-west when I came to Illinois to study music education at Wheaton College.

What do you do when you're not at Church (job, hobbies, etc)?
I work as a conductor for the Downers Grove Choral Society and the Naperville Men’s Glee Club.  I also teach conducting and music history at Wheaton College and teach voice and music history at Kishwaukee College.  When I am not planning, studying, or practicing music I love to play board games with Marissa and our kids.  I love playing outside with the kids, watching Cubs baseball, watching classic movies, and traveling. 

Who shares your home?
Our house is truly made a home by my family. Marissa is my wife of 15 years. Our children keep us active. Samuel is 7, Ana is 4, and Lydia is 2. We like to remember Abigail, Lydia’s twin, who lives in heaven and is always close to our hearts.

What is a favorite quote?
“Great music is that which penetrates the ear with facility and leaves the memory with difficulty. Magical music never leaves the memory.” – Sir Thomas Beecham

How does the ministry you lead serve the life of our congregation?
Praise is the most often repeated command in the scriptures and this command to praise God is closely tied to musical expression.  Music is such a unique, God-given gift without parallel that unifies the congregation in whole-hearted worship of their Creator and Savior.  The church that sings together, breathes together, learns to worship God together, and then serves together.  It is my prayer that my leadership as the Pastor of Music and Worship unifies and builds up the worship of those who attend Church of the Savior. 

How can people get involved in the ministry you lead?
As a relatively new member of the congregation I am very interested in meeting the musicians of our congregation.  If you have a musical gift please contact me or just introduce yourself at a service.  I look forward to meeting you and to exploring ways to integrate your gift into the musical worship of our church.  From serving in the worship ensemble, playing service music, or being involved in occasional music offerings, I hope to connect our congregation’s musicians to opportunities to serve while building up the worship of Church of the Savior.