Word from Father Kevin and Mother Karen

So we had this grand plan to send each of you a Christmas letter, filled with newsy updates from the Millers. Then life happened… So we hope you’ll feel the warmth in this simpler, shorter update.

We are calling 2018, in the words of Dickens, “the best of times, the worst of times.” The Best of Times included the joyous July wedding of our daughter to a godly man, Jordan; you will sometimes see them worship at Savior. The wedding also gave us time with family from across the country, including our son. The Worst of Times included Karen’s being in chronic pain and having 2 surgeries and spending 3 months unable to even sit up; and Kevin’s receiving the diagnosis of Parkinson’s. But those lead back to the Best of Times, as you friends of the Savior carried us with your prayers, encouragement, and homemade meals.

 At the end of a year like this, we feel more deeply how astonishing it is that Jesus entered our world, knowing what it would mean for him. But he came to be with each one of us and to save us. May you have a merry Christmas and find that, no matter what your circumstances, Jesus is with you.