Word from Father Kevin: Where is God Leading Us?

I told our Vestry, at its retreat last weekend, that Savior has an unusually high level of “leadership capital” for a church our size.

Consider our preaching team: In recent weeks, we’ve been blessed by sermons given by Deb Nickerson and Al Hsu, and in September, Dr. Sarah Lindsay and Ted Olsen will preach. This kind of collaborative team is, I’m learning, somewhat unusual within ACNA, but it’s a blessing to us all.

Then, we are blessed to have ten clergy regularly worshiping with us and willing to serve wherever needed (for example, Fr. Aaron Harrison will lead the Instructed Liturgy Workshop next month, and several of our clergy have been serving for an interim time at a sister parish in Milwaukee).

The quality of our staff team is astonishing; each could be leading national workshops on their area of ministry. And I could go on to Vestry, Ministry Team Leaders, Treasurers, and more. Truly, we are blessed.

I notice this, celebrate this, and invite you to ask God with me, “Since you have given us exceedingly, abundantly, beyond all we might ask or think in this area of our common life, what are you leading us to?”