"I am passionate about healthy churches. A healthy church is a wonder, and God does amazing things through a church like Savior."

"I am passionate about healthy churches. A healthy church is a wonder, and God does amazing things through a church like Savior."

Rector: Kevin Miller

  • Ministry Area(s): Prayer, Preaching, Vision, Leading Vestry and Clergy.

  • Background: Editor and vice-president at Christianity Today for 26 years; associate rector at Church of the Resurrection for 5 years; rector at Savior since January 2017. Co-founder of PreachingToday.com and CTPastors.com.

  • Family/Pets: Kevin is married to Savior’s Associate Rector, Karen. Their daughter, Anne, teaches high school English and attends Savior sometimes. Their son, Andrew, lives in Houston with his family and works in software. “No pets, though I’m partial to Lexi, the Australian shepherd of Karen’s sister.” Kevin loves the Cubs and great coffee.

  • Quote: “You can accomplish a great deal more by quiet, thoughtful work done as in God's sight, than by all the busy eagerness and over-activity of your restless nature” (Francois Fenelon, 17th-century spiritual writer).

"I love to help people grow their leadership skills and care for their leader's soul."

"I love to help people grow their leadership skills and care for their leader's soul."

Associate Rector: Karen Miller

  • Ministry Area(s): Leading Staff Meetings, Coaching Staff Members, Leading Worship, Preaching, Serving on Vestry.

  • Background: a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, Karen led the counseling center for Evangelical Child and Family Agency for 9 years; coached church planters with the Greenhouse Movement for 3 years; and served as executive pastor at Church of the Resurrection for 14 years. She founded and leads a leadership-coaching practice, Strengthen Your Leadership.

  • Family/Pets: Karen is married to Savior’s Rector, Kevin. Their daughter, Anne, teaches high school English and attends Savior sometimes. Their son, Andrew, lives in Houston with his family and works in software. Karen loves making cards, and beating Kevin (or trying to) in Scrabble.

  • Quote: “If you have the gift of leadership, lead diligently” (Paul, to the Christians in Rome) and “Apart from me, you can do nothing” (Jesus, to his disciples).

"My ministry passion is serving at the altar, helping others meet Jesus through the sacraments. I also love coming alongside people to encourage them as well as help meet practical needs."

"My ministry passion is serving at the altar, helping others meet Jesus through the sacraments. I also love coming alongside people to encourage them as well as help meet practical needs."

Deacon: Sandy Oyler

  • Ministry Area(s): All Things Altar-Related, Acolytes, Pastoral Care, Preaching, Serving on the Vestry

  • Background: Sandy is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, has worked for Outreach Community Ministries for the past 15 years, and is currently the Director of the counseling center at their Warrenville location, Warrenville Youth and Family Services. Sandy has been part of Church of the Savior since its beginning and was ordained as a Deacon in 2014.

  • Quote: "Think and wonder. Wonder and think" (Dr. Seuss).

"I am passionate about coming alongside families as they hear and share God’s story and journey closer to Jesus."

"I am passionate about coming alongside families as they hear and share God’s story and journey closer to Jesus."

Pastor of Family Ministries: Mary Gonzalez

  • Ministry Area(s): Family Ministries, Children, Youth

  • Background: Mary Gonzalez is our Pastor of Family Ministries and has worked at Savior since its beginning in 2004.

  • Family/Pets: Mary lives in Winfield with her husband of 27 years, Angel. Their daughter, Mariana, is in high school, and their son, Daniel, is studying at University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana.

  • Quote: “We always have enough time to do the work that God has for us" (Sibyl Towner).


Pastor of Adult Formation: Sandy Richter

  • Ministry Area(s): Adult formation: community-building, education, and worship-service teams.

  • Background: Sandy grew up in the Church of God, but gravitated toward 'higher church' settings in college, making her way to the ACNA and Church of the Savior in 2013. Sandy and her husband love the liturgy and tradition they have found in Anglicanism, and the warmth and depth of spirituality at Savior.

  • Family/Pets: Sandy has been married to Ian since 2007 and they have three children: Kiah, Elle and Ezra.

  • Quote: "Here is the world. Beautiful and terrible things will happen. Don't be afraid" (Frederick Buechner).


director of Communications & Children's Ministry coordinator: sarah lindsay

  • Ministry Area(s): coordinate children's worship and activities, communicate with the congregation

  • Background: Sarah has a background in teaching (English literature and writing) and she currently blogs. She has been an Anglican since she discovered liturgical worship in college; she joined Savior in 2017.

  • Family/Pets: Sarah is married to Brad, and they have three daughters: Isabel, Claire and Vivian. Their two dogs are named Darcy and Lizzy, after characters in one of their favorite novels.

  • Quote: “All shall be well, and all shall be well, and all manner of things shall be well” (Julian of Norwich).


Youth Pastor (with All Souls'): Andrew Unger

  • Ministry Area: Youth Ministry

  • Background: Andrew has been doing youth ministry at All Souls and Savior since 2007, and enjoys (almost) every minute of it!

  • Family/Pets: He has been married to Deacon Joy Unger since 2007, and has two sons (Luke, born in 2011 and Simon, born in 2015). They live in Winfield.

  • Quote: "From God’s point of view, the distance between being ordinarily sinful (what we all are) and extremely sinful (what the people we don’t like seem to be) is like the distance between London and Paris seen from the point of view of the sun" (N.T. Wright).