Connect Series: The Scheuermann Family

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At Savior, we are in a season of connecting. One person to another, building and rebuilding relationships. This week, we invite you to connect with the Scheuermann family!

Who is a part of your household?
Barrett, Rochelle, Isaac, and our furry friend Dolly (a beagle/jack-russel mix.

Where  do  you  live?  Where are  you  from?
We currently live in St. Charles. Barrett is from central Illinois and Rochelle is from southwestern Missouri. Isaac is also from central Illinois. We relocated here from central Illinois for Rochelle to teach at Wheaton College in the graduate school.

How long have you been attending Church of the Savior? 
Since December 2020.

In your time at Savior, what have you enjoyed most? 
We’ve enjoyed so many things. To name a few: the sermons, the liturgy, the ways the church tries to engage thoughtfully and compassionately around race/ethnicity, disabilities, and current cultural events. One of the things we have most appreciated is the warm welcome we have received. We’ve noticed such an effort for people to be in true community. In the few gatherings we’ve gone to, people noticed we were new and took time to talk and genuinely get to know us more. We have felt a particular welcome for Isaac and believe Savior will be a great place for him to flourish. 

What is something folks at Savior might not know about you?
We love fishing, gardening, and making all of our own breads. Barrett owned his own woodworking business for 17 years and Rochelle is an ordained minister and was once an associate pastor at a church plant.

How do you enjoy connecting with others? 
We like to connect over coffee/dessert, in shared meals, and through small groups.