Connect Series: Heather Matthews & Family!

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At Savior, we are in a season of connecting. One person to another, building and rebuilding relationships. This week, we invite you to connect with Heather Matthews and her family!

Who is a part of your household?
Me – Heather Matthews
Kyama Webb – 17, Senior at Wheaton North
Ashtyn Webb – 15 – Sophomore at Wheaton North
Micah Webb – 13 – 7th grade at Franklin Middle
Geni Webb – 9 – 4th grade at Lowell Elementary

Where  do  you  live?  Where  are  you  from? 
Wheaton. We moved here from Milwaukee over Christmas. I grew up in Nashville, Tennessee, went college and seminary around here at Northwestern University (Go Cats) and Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. I also lived in Nairobi for three years.  

How long have you been attending Church of the Savior? 
We started attending online in January during covid.

In your time at Savior, what have you enjoyed most? 
I’ve enjoyed almost everything at Savior so far. I have not been part of an Anglican church before or a liturgical church in general. So I have enjoyed learning more about the liturgy and traditions and enjoying a new style of corporate gathering and worship. 

What family ritual that started this past year (of the pandemic) do you hope will continue forever? The pandemic was hard in so many ways but it also felt like a gift to our family. We have gone through a lot of transition and stress over the last three years and to have the time and space to be with one another more than normal without so many outside distractions and a simplified lifestyle was a gift to us in many ways. While I know that life will get busier now that we are getting back to normal schedules, I still want to be committed to spaciousness and rest and our daily life as much as possible. 

How do you enjoy connecting with others? Anything! Our family just wants to get to know more people here and find a new community. We’ve lived in Africa and the inner city so our door is always open. I love walks, hikes, conversations over meals or wine or dessert, backyard fires, or hanging out with other families.