Spotlight on Hope Grant

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Hope Grant is a long-time member of Savior and, even if you haven't met her yet, you benefit from her ministries every week. Hope coordinates the lay readers — the people who do the ordinary weekly scripture readings as well as all of the dramatic readings throughout the year — and she also coordinates altar clean-up. In today's post, get to know Hope a little better:

Where do you live and where are you from?

I live on the west side of Wheaton, near the DuPage County Complex, with my cat Lewis — a short-haired, domestic cat with white fur and black spots. I was born in Washington, D.C and raised just outside the city limits in Maryland. I also have two grown children who both live in Europe. Kyle is in Barcelona, Spain and Katie living in England with her husband and my 3 ½ yr old grandson.

What do you do when you’re not at church?

I work part-time at Wheaton College’s Wade Center greeting visitors, giving tours of the museum and occasionally presenting a story time using one of our authors’ works. I’m also an occasional “cat whisperer”—caring for all the needs (including medical) of cats whose owners are out of town. I love to cook and share it. I Enjoy calligraphy and making my own cards. I enjoy sewing, too, and have made all of the banners for Children's Worship at Savior.

What is your favorite quote?

“The movement from illusion to dependence is hard to make since it leads us from false certainties to true uncertainties, from an easy support system to a risky surrender, and from many 'safe' gods to the God whose love has no limits." — Henri S.J. Nouwen

How do the ministries you lead serve the life of our congregation?

As Lay Reader Coordinator: We in the Anglican Tradition have a very high view of Scripture and at every worship service read from the Old Testament, the Psalms, the Epistles and the Gospel. My prayer is that when the Word is read and we take it in, that God will become flesh in us and make us into living Christs!

Altar Clean-up Coordinator: I delight in setting an inviting table. That is what our Eucharist is, the Table of the Lord where all baptized Christians are welcome. I want each time to be very special and taking care of our altar ware and linens is an integral part of the celebration.

How can people get involved in the ministries you lead?

Just connect with me ( and let me know your interest. I’d be glad to talk with you and get you involved.