Spotlight on Luke and Christine Wulbecker

We are excited to welcome Luke and Christine Wulbecker as new team leaders heading up a new ministry area! In addition to serving on the music team and in the nursery, Luke and Christine will be leading the Compassion Ministry, which will identify places where members of Savior can practice their outward journey by caring for those around us. Get to know Luke and Christine in today's post.

Where do you live and where are you from?
We live in Schaumburg with our Corgi, Barnabas (or Barney, as he prefers), who rules the home. Luke grew up in Roselle, and Christine's childhood was spent between Park Ridge and Nigeria, where her parents were medical missionaries.

What do you do when you’re not at church?
Luke is a recruiter for a staffing agency, and has a passion for connecting with college students. Christine is a therapist for expectant and newly parenting families. We spend a lot of time with our families, most of whom live in the area. Luke loves riding his motorcycle, playing music, and baseball/softball. Christine loves reading, yoga, and Zumba.

Luke's favorite quote:
"Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking about yourself less."  -C.S. Lewis

Interesting fact about Christine:
She was a goalie for the water polo team in high school.

How does the Compassion Ministry serve the life of our congregation?
A major goal of the Compassion Ministry is to support the church in efforts to connect and engage with the local community.

How can people get involved in the Compassion Ministry?
Pray for Wheaton and the surrounding area. Speak with Luke and Christine about your ideas of how to best engage the community. Watch for upcoming announcements about Outreach Community Ministry's Christmas Store, a chance to donate gifts to families in need this holiday season.”