Spotlight on Mark Hinsch

Over the next several months, we're highlighting ministry leaders at Savior. These leaders have answered some questions to help us get to know them and their ministries better.


Mark Hinsch coordinates Savior's Setup Team — you've probably noticed him moving tables or hanging banners if you've come to church early or stayed late. He leads a ministry that affects all of us as we worship each Saturday but that often goes unnoticed. Today, we learn a little more about Mark:

Where do you live now and where are you from?

I currently live in West Chicago with my wife, Betsy, and our cat Musette. I was born in Florida. I’ve also lived in California, England, North Dakota, Colorado and Illinois. I’ve been happy to call Illinois home for about 21 years now. There are so many things to love about this area!

What do you do when you’re not at church?

I work at Tyndale House Publishers as a Distribution Analyst. When we’re not at work, my wife Betsy and I enjoy cooking, reading, going for walks and spending time with friends and family.

How does the Setup Team serve the life of our congregation?

We facilitate a welcoming and worshipful experience for all who attend Church of the Savior as we set up the sanctuary and information table for each worship service. We also put things away after the service.

How can people get involved with the Setup Team?

The Setup Team needs your help! We are looking for individuals to help set up before the service and take-down after the service. Those who serve typically do so once a month, but we also need on-call / substitute helpers. If you are interested, please see Mark Hinsch at church, call or text at 630-745-0184 or email