
Revelation Resources

As we go through the book of Revelation in our current sermon series "Revelation: Visions for a Church Under Pressure," many resources are available to help us understand this challenging book.

First, read Father Kevin's letter to the Church of the Savior, in the style of the letters to the seven churches in Revelation 2-3. (Listen to his sermon on these letters here.)

Next, Senior Warden Deb Nickerson's prayer in response to the letter is here.

For a deeper dive into the context, genre and interpretation of Revelation, Father Kevin and Richard Kepner led a seminar on August 27th on these topics. Below is the audio for Richard Kepner's historical context and Father Kevin's guide to the genre and interpretation of Revelation.

Finally, for those who want to know even more about Revelation, a list of recommended resources:

The Bible Project -- creative videos to give you the quick overview:

Short article to help you get the tone right:

Commentaries being used by our preachers:

  • Richard Bauckham, The Theology of the Book of Revelation

  • Greg Beale, Revelation: A Shorter Commentary

  • Michael Gorman, Reading Revelation Responsibly

  • Eugene Peterson, Reversed Thunder

  • Peter S. Williamson, Revelation (Catholic Commentary on Sacred Scripture)

Sermons on Revelation: