
Welcome Caprice Miller, Director of Communications

Savior has welcomed Caprice Miller as our new Director of Communication. Get to know her a little better in the interview below!

What is your role at Church of the Savior?
I am the Communications Director. My focus each week is to produce the weekly Order of Service, newsletter, and update our website. I hope to keep the Friends of Savior connected and informed.

Where do you live? Where are your from?
I live in Wheaton with my husband, Ben, and our two children, Dana and Eve. We both grew up in Wheaton. We have tried to leave many times, but we always found ourselves back here. Over the years we have grown to love the area. Our motto is “never make decisions in January!”

What do you do when you’re not at Church (job, hobbies, etc)?
I love to be active, working in my garden, and being with my family and friends. I love long meals and good conversations.   

What is your favorite book?
I have been reading Freedom of Simplicity, by Richard Foster and enjoying it so much!

Welcome Steve Dilley, Youth Pastor

Savior has welcomed Steve Dilley as our new Youth Pastor. Get to know him a little better in the interview below!

What is your role at Church of the Savior?
I am the Youth Pastor for 6th through 12th grades. My hope is to help students deepen their understanding of God and His world, grow in their personal (and interactive) relationship with Him, and actively serve others in the youth group and beyond.

Where do you live? Where are your from?
My family and I live in Wheaton. We moved here in the summer of 2021. Prior to that we lived in Texas. As a kid, I grew up in Alaska.

What do you do when you’re not at Church (job, hobbies, etc)?
Professionally (outside of Savior), I work a lot on the integration of science and Christian faith. Otherwise, I enjoy spending time with my family.

Who do you share a household with?
Andrea and I have been married since 2005. We have four kids: Madeline, Eden, Asa, and Julian. We now have two rescue cats as well: Jamboree and Toto.

What is your favorite book?
Recently, I have very much enjoyed the work of Michael S. Heiser.


Welcome Sydney Kamenjarin, Family Ministries Administrator

Savior has welcomed Sydney Kamenjarin as our new Family Ministries Administrator. Get to know her a little better in the interview below!

What is your role at Church of the Savior?
My role at Church of the Savior: Provide support for the Pastor of Family Ministries through administration and planning, so that Savior’s children and families receive spiritual nurture and education.

Where do you live? Where are you from?
I currently live in Winfield with my kids. Before this I lived in Texas.

What do you do when you're not at Church (job, hobbies, etc).
I really enjoy cooking and baking, especially for other people! I also love spending time with my kids, family, and friends, being outside, and Starbucks coffee.

Who do you share a household with?
I live with my parents and my kids and my mom’s dog Rosie.

What is your favorite book?
One of my favorite books is Hinds Feet in High Places by Hannah Hurnard

How does the ministry you lead serve the life of our congregation?
The ministry I’m involved in serves the church by pouring into the lives of the children. I believe that this is a very important calling, to train and raise up our children in the ways of the Lord.

How can people get involved in the ministry you lead?
People can get involved in the children’s ministry by volunteering, being a good example for the children in displaying the love of Christ to those around them, including the children in the adult services and making them feel a part of the congregation.

Darkness, Light and Advent

Today’s post comes from Erin Pacheco, Savior’s Music Director:

Advent is almost upon us.

This is my favorite part of the church year. There is something frantic about the commercialization of Christmas — its many layers of consumption and overconsumption, its demands upon our time and money, the way it is seemingly thrust upon us earlier every year. There is a restlessness to the way our culture anticipates and celebrates Christmas. It is easy to get caught up in the rush and desire for all that is shiny and yummy and happy. It is easy to mistake this for joy.

Advent as liturgical practice and as frame of mind invites us into a different way of being this time of year. Advent help us detox from commercial Christmas so that we might better celebrate the coming of Christ.

Advent is the beginning of the liturgical Cycle of Light. Through Advent, Christmas, and Epiphany, appropriately set in these longest, darkest days of the year, we will remember that Jesus is the light of the world.

A people walking in darkness have seen a great light.

A light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of God is upon you.

We will light candles. And while they are lit, we will sing:

The Lord is my light, my light and salvation; in God I trust, in God I trust.

We will not pretend that it isn’t dark. We will not try to cover up our sadness with tinsel and shiny paper. We will be who we are: exiles longing for home, longing for shalom, longing for God with us.

O come, O come Immanuel and ransom captive Israel that mourns in lonely exile here.

Come thou long-expected Jesus, born to set thy people free.

We will spend some time here. Even though Christmas carols have already been on the radio for weeks, in worship we won’t jump right into singing the manger scene and the angels’ songs just because it is December. Israel waited centuries for the coming of Messiah. So we too will wait — whether with eager hope or agonized cries of how long? — for his coming.

And when we pray for the needs of the world, we will join in the cry of the church through the ages:

Kyrie eleison. Christe eleison.

“Lord have mercy. Christ have mercy.”

Singing the Kyrie in Advent, as we do in Lent, highlights our need for a Savior. All is not the way it’s supposed to be. Just beneath the surface of the season’s festivities lie a host of hurts and griefs and anxieties.

Come, Lord Jesus, come.

Advent makes space for our whole selves. Even as the prevailing culture rushes toward Christmas, in Advent, there is a quieting. A centering. A small but real hope, growing with the light of each additional candle, that love really is coming to set things right. To make all things new.

My heart will sing of the day you bring; let the fires of your justice burn.

Wipe away all tears for the dawn draws near and the world is about to turn.

This is the start of the story, the start of the church year. In Advent we begin again to tell the story of our salvation. The story of our need and God’s gracious response. The story that begins in darkness and ends in resurrection light. A great reversal is coming. A baby is coming. A king is coming. And all will be well.

As we pray at the Easter Vigil —

O God of unchangeable power and eternal light:

Look favorably on your whole Church, that wonderful and sacred mystery;

by the effectual working of your providence, carry out in tranquility the plan of salvation;

Let the whole world see and know that things which were cast down are being raised up,

and things which had grown old are being made new,

and that all things are being brought to their perfection by him through whom all things were made, your Son Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Meet Ellen Vosburg, Youth Ministry Coordinator & Ministry Intern


Ellen Vosburg began working for Church of the Savior as our Youth Ministry Coordinator on August 1st, and she also serves as Savior's Ministry Intern (2018-19). As Ellen begins her work on staff, she answered some questions so we can get to know her better.

Where do you live and where are you from?
I live in downtown Elmhurst with my husband, Dawson, and miniature schnauzer, Andromeda (or Drom). I am from rural Oklahoma, where I played tuba in the marching band my junior year of high school.

What do you do when you’re not at church?
I love to read, and I expend most of my mental energy angling for ways to spend more time reading books. My husband and I enjoy cooking together and finding fun new places to eat. We also spend a lot of time with family and friends; we like to play games and eat ice cream together.

What's the best book you read during the last 5 years?
Pnin by Vladimir Nabokov. This is the first and only book I’ve read by Nabokov, and I was expecting to hate it, but I absolutely loved it. Nabokov’s creative command and deployment of the English language is gripping, and I found myself weeping over the circumstances of the main character at the climax of the book (which is rare for me).  

What's your favorite quote?
"If equal affection cannot be, let the more loving one be me." — W.H. Auden
How does youth ministry connect to the life of the whole congregation?
The spiritual formation of young people is vital to the life of the church, not simply for the future but for our present life together. I think teenagers who love Jesus and have a strong conviction for serving the world through the church can inject any congregation with an extra special gift of passion. They’re an important part of what it means for us to all be part of the family of God, and it’s a privilege to participate in this time in their growth. 

How can people get involved in youth ministry?
Tell me you love teenagers, and I’m sure there would be a place for you! Young people need all kinds of adults to surround them and invest in their faith, so there are a myriad of ways to be part of youth ministry, no matter who you are or what you are particularly gifted to do.