Week 1: Animals 

Week 1, Day 1:

Watch this video, created by Savior attender Kristen Page using her own photography with music for “All Creatures of Our God and King” arranged by  Anna Laura Page and performed by Wren Page (cello) and  Anna Laura Page (piano).

Read the lyrics to “All Creatures of Our God and King.”

Wonder about God’s amazing creation, using the prompts below to get started:

  • I wonder what it sounds like when ALL creatures lift their voices to sing to God?

  • I wonder if you have ever heard God’s creation singing praise?

  • I wonder how the animals bless and worship God?

  • I wonder how we can learn more about God from his animals?

  • What do you wonder about?

Week 1, Day 2:

Scavenger hunt! Use this sheet and spend some time in your yard or a nearby park discovering all of the amazing plants and animals that live around you. We recommend that an adult help younger children; also, the hunt can easily be spread out over several days, so take your time and enjoy the natural world.

Week 1, Day 3:

Animal track game: Using different colors of sidewalk chalk, draw animal tracks on your driveway or the sidewalk (check this sheet for ideas). You can play a variety of games: jumping on the tracks, jumping and counting, jumping on particular colors -- be creative and have fun!

Reflection: Spend a few minutes thinking about the things in nature you’ve seen this week. Where do you see God in his creation? What makes you praise God? You might draw a picture, write a poem, or even write a new verse to the hymn from Monday, “All Creatures of Our God and King,” to show where you see God in creation, or creation praising God.